Our Dream:

Ella F., Ella B., Alison, Tess** and Desiree are determined and enterprising 8th-grade girls from Petaluma whose friendship dates all the way back to
kindergarten. Now at Kenilworth Junior High, four of the girls have set their
minds to venturing on an annual, one-week trip to Washington, D.C.,
led by a history teacher at their school.

It's an amazing opportunity to see the sights of the nation's Capitol --
from the Washington Monument to the Vietnam Memorial, from the
Smithsonian Institute to (hopefully) the White House.

Of course, there's a catch: It's no cheap trip.

However, fear not, these wise-beyond-their-years, self-motivated
gals have come up with a creative way to raise money for the
adventure, which they plan to take upon finishing 8th grade.

So buy their gifts -- for your friends, neighbors, family members,
co-workers, teachers and help these Girls With A Dream!

All gifts and treats available for purchase on this website are assembled, baked, stuffed, tied, cut out and packaged with extraordinary
care by all the girls.

**While Tess attends a different junior high school, she too has a dream: to visit Italy.